The Westland High School Ball 2019 (Friday 5th July)
We wish all the students a wonderful night for the school ball.
The students will be walking through the library to get to the transformed Roman Chorus retreat (School Gymnasium), allowing for vehicles to drop them outside the Library door. Good viewing spots will be in the library, and outside under the eave. We will have seats available in the Library and will try to make sure that those people who need to be seated, are. Students will be arriving from 7.30 to 8.30pm. We are hoping to have the Ball 'walk in' screened live on facebook, so if you or whanau are unable to make it or live outside of Hokitika, head to the Westland High School Hokitika facebook page on the night.
Students need to be aware that school rules apply: No alcohol, drugs, cigarettes or vaping. Students who appear to be under the influence may be refused admission, and parents asked to collect their children.
At the end of the evening parents or caregivers need to pick up their children, or make arrangements for them to get home.