From the Principal’s Desk
Nga mihi nui kia koutou katoa. Welcome to the Westland High School October newsletter, start of another term!
E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karangatanga maha, tēnā koutou katoa. Warm greetings to you all.
2020 the year of COVID is rapidly coming to an end, this year has been tumultuous and nothing like any of us have experienced before, to keep us safe remember to continue to follow good hygiene protocols and use the COVID scanner app. I am impressed with the resilience our students have shown over the past year, their ability to get on with their studies and their commitment to school. Our NCEA results are all things considered at similar levels to last year at the same time, and also testament to our staff who have worked tirelessly this year to ensure all students are supported under some difficult circumstances.
Senior student's start their study leave on the 13th of November This can be an anxious time for students as they build-up to their examinations. Parents/Whanau, please continue to support and encourage your young adults to remain focused as they start to move into exam mode, your support and encouragement will assist tremendously as they prepare for their exams. The staff are more than happy to work with students if they need extra assistance.
All Seniors will need to work hard over the next 6 weeks to revise and continue to finish off any assessments still required. Please seek assistance from your teachers before you head into examination leave.
Some students need additional assistance completing their internal assessments, if this is the case the Academic and Pastoral Leader Mrs Krohn will be making contact with the students and parents (where required) and ask the students to stay at school to complete their internal standards rather than being at home on study leave. Contact will be made home on a case by case basis, it is important to note that study leave is a privilege not a right.
Overpast two years there have been many property projects on the go, a summary of these projects is below, and a great opportunity to celebrate the positive steps forward the school is making on this front.
- DWC Westland Sports Hub opened
- Upgraded School gymnasium and toilet blocks
- New Pavillion
- Roofing and full school spouting completed
- Year 7 and 8 classroom redevelopment
- Painting projects
- Three derelict classrooms demolished
- Quad and archgola installation (Friends of the School)
- Hall/Admin/Performing arts rebuild started
- Student Support Hub (Careers, gateway, counselor) started
- Renovated staffroom started
- B wing breakout room renovated
- C wing support room renovated
The school role continues to grow and we are now seeking to employ additional teaching staff for the 2021 school year. Further details will be in a future newsletter.
The School ball was a resounding success and the pre ball red carpet walk through was streamed live on Facebook, it was fantastic to see some many members of the community turn out to celebrate the event. Thank you to Hokitika Primary school who generously allowed us to use their school hall for the event, and to 'Drive Safe West Coast' who sponsored the event. Drive Safe West Coast was excited to work with Westland High School and the Ball Committee, by sponsoring the ‘Drive Safe Mocktail Station’ to help raise awareness about driving sober.
Interviews for Head students were conducted last week, the interview panel was impressed with the calibre of the students interviewed.
In addition to the Head Students, supporting leadership roles are also in the process of being selected. Students in their Hapu groups get to vote for their leaders for next year based on a set of criteria. An assembly will be held next Friday to announce the Head Students, Leaders and Hapu leaders, with a Formal acknowledgement and presentation for the Head students at the schools Senior Prizegiving.
Ngā mihi nui
Iain Murray