What do you think is working in the school?

The Board of Trustees want to hear from you as part of the school's consultation, to help them set the next Strategic plan, and overall future direction for the school.

The Board of Trustees is tasked with setting the strategic direction of Westland High School. Every three years we consult with our staff, students and community to gain valuable feedback to help inform our next three years of planning. In 2018 significant work went into developing a Strategic Plan for Westland High School that led to a complete rebranding and revisioning of Westland High School. We believe over the past years we, as a school community, have made considerable progress and are extremely proud of the school that we are all building together.

This year we are asking for your feedback to help us inform a new Strategic Plan, Cultural Narrative, and Graduate Profile. The Board are planning a number of opportunities for your voice to be heard. We invite you to attend one of our face-to-face hui (more information on these will come out soon) and provide feedback through our Google Form (Westland High School Community Consultation 2021) which is available from today through to 19th March.

We are looking for your feedback on what we are doing well as a school and what we could improve on. Our collective success and the areas for development. Your feedback is important and will help shape the strategic direction of Westland High School now and into the future.

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