Athletics Results
The school athletics day was another successful day for all involved.
This years athletics has been and gone again, and what a great day it was. Congratulations to all those students who placed in their events and to all the students who participated. The results of the events are attached.
Each year the athletics day just gets better and this year was no exception. With waffles, sausage sizzles, fundraising, coffees, music and lots of dressing up. Everyone appeared to be engaged and having fun!
Thank you to all the PE staff who put in many weeks of organisation behind the scenes to ensure that no student misses out and everything runs smoothly on the day. Thank you to all the student helpers on the day for the leadership and whanaungatanga you showed and to all the students who stepped outside their comfort zone and gave it a go. We also acknowledge the many supportive parents who showed up on the day, we know it's not easy trying to get here during working hours but the students really appreciate seeing parents come down to cheer them on. Last but not least we thank the staff, for setting up, tallying results, supervising events, timing and dressing up to help create a sense of fun. The result of all of these groups of people involved was a festival like atmosphere for all to enjoy.
We look forward to next years athletics day.