Community consultation evenings

The Board of Trustees want to hear from you as part of the school's consultation, to help them set the next Strategic plan, and overall future direction for the school.

Every 3 years the school board touches base with the community in a more formalised way in order to make sure the direction of the school reflects the communities aspirations for their tamariki. While we can utilise digital technology to collect information, the Board believes that face to face communication is the best way to really hear. We ask that you accept our invitation to a conversation at one or both of our face-to-face Community hui on the 13th and 20th May in the school Library at 6pm. 

Please come expecting to hear a short reflection from the board about recent developments at the school, followed by a much longer open discussion about what the community wants to see happening at the school into the future.

Questions to think about beforehand might be....

  • What is one thing you would like to see happening at the school that currently isn't?
  • What do the school values mean to you? 
  • How would you expect to see them implemented in the school? Are there values that are not being expressed that you think should be?

 We invite you to attend one or both of our face-to-face Community hui on the 13th and 20th May in the school Library at 6pm.

The first hui on the 13th of May will focus on the school's Vision and Values. The second hui will focus on the school's strategic direction and future outcomes.

We are looking for your feedback on what we are doing well as a school and what we could improve on. Our collective success and the areas for development. Your feedback is important and will help shape the strategic direction of Westland High School now and into the future.

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