Sea Kayaking

Two weeks ago, six students from Westland High participated in a five-day sea kayaking trip with Tai Poutini Polytechnic (TPP) in the Abel Tasman National Park.

As well as being a super fun outdoor experience for the students, this mini-tour of the Abel Tasman was also an assessment for five TPP students. Due to the close proximity of Greymouth and Hokitika and the fact that some of our students end up attending TPP, it is particularly beneficial for Westland High to have a positive relationship with this polytechnic course.

The students spent three days on the water, learning new techniques and becoming more comfortable in a sea kayak. The mornings were chilly, the gear: salty and sandy, but it was all worth it for what everyone agreed was an incredible experience.

Thanks to the awesome TPP students and Kiana Gallon for their support of this trip.

By Ella Stewart and Poppy Johnston-Coates

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