Opening Dates for 2022

The school's opening dates and information for the start of Term 1 2022

Wednesday 26 January 10am - 2pm School Office Opens.

Parents of new students, or those that will have new devices, need to come in to get the devices re-provisioned. This will take approx 10 minutes. No appointment is required. This must be done before school starts to save valuable teaching time at the start of the year.

Friday 28 January 10am - 2pm Year 9 to 13 Course confirmations by appointment only. Email the APL’s or school office for an interview.

Monday 31 January Student Leaders Leadership Wānanga

Tuesday 1 February Office closed. Teacher Only Day

Wednesday 2 February Office open

Thursday 3 February First day back For the Whole School

  • 8.45am Current students to whānau classes
  • 8.45am New Students and staff to the school library for Pōwhiri
  • 9.00am Powhiri to welcome new students and staff
  • 11.20am Normal timetable begins period three

Friday 4 February Normal school day.

Monday 7 February Waitangi Day Observed - School Closed.

* In order to ease congestion at the office at the start of the year, we encourage you to email your stationery orders to We will put the order together and contact you when it is ready to pick up. Emailed orders can be sent at any time over the holidays.

All uniforms can be purchased from Red Streetwear on Revell Street.

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