Wero – Wayfinder programme

Wero is a program that uses wayfinding to foster entrepreneurship amongst young Māori and Pasifika across Te Waipounamu

Rangatahi Māori and Moana, met to engage in the Wero programme, using the principles of wayfinding to engage in entrepreneurship and innovation. 

This one day wānanga (workshop) was a super-engaging day of fun activities for our students from Years 9 to 13. The Wero team hosted full-day way finding wānanga with nominated students. This will be followed by an eight-week online course designed to build entrepreneurial thinking. 

Students were grouped into teams and paired with a business coach, and challenged to create an innovative product that will target Māori and Pasifika.

The course is multi-lingual and is designed to complement the existing high school curriculum without adding to the workload.

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