News Archive
Once Upon a Mattress
The latest theatre production to take place is Once Upon a Mattress next term. Don't miss it!
[Read more]CACTUS – Longest Day
On Thursday a group of intrepid Year 7 and 8 CACTUS students embarked on their first “Longest Day” challenge.
[Read more]Student Achievement on the rise
With many of the changes the school has put in place we have seen an increase in achievement statistics.
[Read more]Looking Forward Week
Monday 9th September to Friday 13th September Students will be involved in a range of activities designed to assist them make sensible choic...
[Read more]Students cook up a storm
Some of our student recently learned how to make Labneh (yoghurt cheese).
[Read more]Outdoor Education – expanding our horizons
On the 13th to the 16th of August the Year 12 and 13 Outdoor Ed class went on a mountaineering and snow caving trip that was put together by...
[Read more]Year 12 and 13 music trip to the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra
The Year 12 and 13 music students undertook a trip to Christchurch on the 3rd of August to see the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra perform th...
[Read more]Predator trapping course and much more!
A group of our students embodied the school value of Kaitiakitanga while learning all about trapping and protection of our native wildlife.
[Read more]Westland High students participate in Science fair.
Some of our junior and middle school students took part in the regional science fair this term.
[Read more]Ms Bateup represents New Zealand
Ms Bateup left to represent New Zealand at the World Korfball Championship in South Africa, last week. Go team NZ! ?? ?
[Read more]Welcome to Léon from Germany ??
Léon has come to us from Pfintzel, Germany. We hope he has a wonderful time here with us and look forward to getting to know him better.
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