News Archive
Art class at the Lake
The NCEA Art classes took a trip to Lake Kaniere to get some local inspiration.
[Read more]The Development West Coast Rangatahi Day Out
Our students along with others from all over the Coast had an inspiring day exploring nature based career opportunities at Wadeson island
[Read more]Year 13 Physical Education Field Trip
The Year 13 PE class organised a field trip as part of their assessment on risk managment (Achievement standard 91504 - Analyse issues in sa...
[Read more]Sports update
It's been a busy month since our last Sports event update. Read on to see what the students and staff have been engaged in recently.
[Read more]Kai Club
Students and Staff have been catching up over free homemade kai each morning tea outside Te Whare Atawhai. If you haven't been yet, then che...
[Read more]Outdoor Ed classes in the kayaks!
This terms fantastic weather has seen plenty of action in the kayaks for the Outdoor Education classes.
[Read more]SADD (Students Against Dangerous Driving) workshop
Some of the Senior Students attended a workshop held by the SADD organisation to learn about road safety.
[Read more]Hello again, Keigo!
Our International Director caught up with our 2019 international student, Keigo Itani from Tokyo, Japan
[Read more]Congratulations to Scott and Jack Matthews
Jack and Scott recently competed in the South Island Woodchopping Championship.
[Read more]Year 7 and 8 Swimming Sports
The Year 7 and 8's had their Swimming Sports on Thursday 22nd. It was a great day for everyone involved.
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