News Archive
Inspiring students doing great things!
Riley Fleming, Courtney Lang and Thomas Bisdee are competing in the 2024 Kathmandu Coast to Coast race.
[Read more]Meet Our International Students and Support a Special Charity: In Viaggio con Fede.
Introducing Meggy, Alicia, Annikki, and our Italian students from In Viaggio con Fede charity. They are here to learn and experience all tha...
[Read more]From the Tumuaki/Principal’s Desk
Ngā mihi nui kia koutou katoa. Welcome to the Westland High School newsletter for February (extra edition) 2024.
[Read more]Pre-Arrival Information
Below is a check-list of what to pack for your West Coast adventure.
[Read more]2024 Student Leaders announced
Our Student Leaders were announced for the 2024 year at the Junior and Middle school prizegiving. Ka mau te wehi!
[Read more]Congratulations
Congratulations to our Senior students who were awarded the top achievements at the Westland High School Prizegiving and those who received ...
[Read more]Year 13 Graduation
We recently celebrated the Year 13's and wished them well on their next stage in life.
[Read more]Hapu and Activities day
The last 2 days of school have been filled with fun activities and lots of laughter.
[Read more]Trades Academy Prizegiving
Congratulations to the Trades Academy Students for your hard work this year.
[Read more]West Coast Science Photography Competition
Congratulations Makayla Potgieter, who won the competition!
[Read more]Term 4 Sports in brief
This term has provided plenty of opportunities for students to have a go at various sports and to excel in some they prefer.
[Read more]International Programme End of Year Programme and Farewells
Our international students who are not taking their NCEA exams have enjoyed a month-long programme of events including trips to Okarito and ...
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