Careers and Roadshow – Update

We have a busy Career Education programme... more information on upcoming and past events below.

Upcoming Events

1. Friday 7 June - the Middle School Science students will meet with 5 Health sector professionals as part of their science topic: A andE. A visit to the hospital is under negotiation for a small group.

2.  Year 12 - 13 Careers trip to Christchurch and the Senior Physics trip are combined on 3 and 4 July. The physics students, with Mr Henderson will spend the afternoon of 3 July in the University of Canterbury engineering faculty; the other students will visit other  UC faculties and Ara Institute of Technology. They will all visit Halls of Residence on Thursday morning to visit  - including a complementary breakfast at Bishop Julius Hall - and return to Hokitika via Lincoln University.

3. West Coast Pathways Roadshow set down for 20 June - has some uncertainty over it.  We will know on Monday 10 June if the event is to proceed. A letter will be sent. Please  continue to send in the permission slips because Westland HS staff have generously volunteered to accompany buses, even though they are on strike and not being paid.  The buses will go at 8.45a.m and return at 11a.m. from outside the school. Students will be expected to wear correct uniform and only those with permission forms will join the activity.

4. University of Canterbury - course counselling will be on 9 September. This is essential for students wanting to study at UC next year

5. University of Otago - course counselling will be on 24 September 

Past events include

1. University presentations by Canterbury and Otago personnel

2. Coast Connect - students learned about the  free app to connect with possible employers for part time or full time work on the West Coast

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