Careers Update

Upcoming events

a) Scholarships: Keystone News June 2019 Study Award Scholarships are available to school leavers that meet our eligibility criteria who are entering their first year of tertiary study in 2020. The Keystone scholarships are the most premium scholarships offered to students taking up studies that will bring them into the property and construction sector. The programme includes $5,000 a year for up to three years, mentoring, work opportunities and guidance along their journey.

Scholarships close on the 15th of August, 2019. For more information on eligibility please visit our website 

b) 15th August - University of Canterbury. Parents as Career Educators seminar. Guiding teenagers through various career and study options available to them in the modern world can be a challenge. Parents and caregivers of secondary school-aged children are invited to attend a seminar where UC Career Consultant Dave Petrie will talk with you about how you can support your child's career decisions. The seminar will cover:

  • Career pathways
  • Supporting your child with career decision making
  • Choosing tertiary options to suit your child
  • Communicating effectively with your child

Please register by Monday 12 August. Follow the UC careers seminar link to register.

c) 9 September - University of Canterbury Liaison - course planning

d) 23 September - University of Otago Course planning

e) Hands-On at Otago is back for 2020!
A week long experience for students who will be Year 12 and 13 in 2020. Students choose their favourite subject across the humanities, business and sciences and get hands-on in a University departments for the week. To find out more go to:

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