Course selections 2021

Course selections for 2021 will be happening week 8 beginning 7th September.

Course selections is the time in the year where current Year 10's to 12's choose the subjects and courses they will take for the following year. 

This is a good time to take a focused look at where our senior students need more support to ensure the best possible outcomes for the year. Our aim is to provide you with as much information as possible to ensure sensible course selection and great results for the future. This is also a time to look at opportunities for possible careers and training options.

Parents and students will be emailed out the necessary information for courses selection closer to the time. 

The important messages for our senior students are:

  • Exams begin on the 16th of November (including the holiday break). 

  • You will need to finish all internal assessments before classes finish in November.

  • If you want merit, aim for excellence. The higher you aim the better your chances of achievement.

  • Don't procrastinate, get on to that assessment now, the earlier the better.

  • Plan for success. Techniques include using a diary, making a study timetable, asking for help. See this past newsletter article for more tips. Senior Assessment Schedules

  • Choose subjects for next year wisely, aim high. Making the right choices now will give you a better chance of achieving in the future.

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