Far from Frozen II

On 29 and 30 March, Otago Museum brought their roadshow, called Far From Frozen II, to Lazar Hall in Hokitika. We were lucky enough to be invited to attend and sent some of our classes to learn about Antarctica and climate change.

After a short lesson about climate change, each class was split into smaller groups to explore the different activities.

There were some really interesting activities, including a Virtual Reality exploration of the surface of Antarctica and underneath one of its ice shelves. We also got to try on clothing used to keep warm in the extreme cold of Antarctica. We explored what would happen to Dunedin City if the ice shelf was to melt and looked at some exciting new technology used to replace some of our current uses of fossil fuels. The soft toy penguins and leopard seal were another real hit with our students.

Thank you very much to Otago Museum and your partners for bringing Far From Frozen II to Hokitika and inviting us to attend. The lessons were pitched well for the class in attendance, whether this was a junior science class, or our senior chemists. We look forward to your next visit and coming to see what other activities you have to bring science alive for us all.

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