From the Principal’s Desk

Nga mihi nui kia koutou katoa. Welcome to the Westland High School December newsletter.

Meri Kirihimete me te tau hou, I wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.

As this is the last newsletter for the year, the staff and I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy holiday.

I would like to thank all of the staff who have been working hard to help our students, and who love to watch them succeed.

Congratulations all of the prize winners (Senior, Junior and Middle School) who received awards, it is wonderful to celebrate the success with our young people, and given what our students have endured through COVID makes our celebrations even more important.

Next year will again see an emphasis on high expectations for academic achievement, student wellbeing, learning habits, uniform, appropriate use of technology and other support systems. A future reminder... in order for students to take part in non-curriculum activities in 2021, such as sporting events, away trips etc... they will need to have a 93% attendance, in 2020 this was 90%, it was pleasing to see student attendance significantly increase over the past two years. Medical appointments and other justified absences are not included in the tally it is just the unjustified attendance that results in an absence. So please remember to notify the office why your young person is away.

Teach NZ Scholarship

Congratulation to Annie Breeze who has been successful in winning a TeachNZ Scholarship. Annie will be commending her training as a Secondary teacher in 2021. Well done Annie.

New Staff

We welcome three new staff to Westland High School for the start of the 2021 year.

  • Mr Matt Harrison - Digital Technologies
  • Miss Shuangqiu Liu - Mathematics
  • Miss Kiana Gallon - Sports Coordinator/Administration

Special student farewell

This week we had a combined farewell and birthday for Tom McDonnell who has been a student in te Whare Atawhai for a number of years. Tom has been an integral part of our school and has been a part of many students and staff lives. We wish Tom and his family all the best and look forward to seeing him visit us regularly.

Staff Farewells

It is with sadness we say goodbye to Matua Bussy and Dr Chris Manuel who leave us to take up new roles in Wellington and Christchurch respectively. Both teachers have been an integral part of Westland High School with many positive contributions toward the success of our students and school. We wish them both well in their new endeavours.

With the holiday period almost upon us I encourage our students and families to use at least a little bit of their summer break to think about what’s important to you, what you want out of the next year and what you want to be involved in. Of course, use the rest of the summer break to spend time with friends and family - something we won’t take for granted this year.

Have a wonderful holiday break and enjoy Christmas, we look forward to the start of a new year in 2021.

Ngā mihi nui
Iain Murray

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