From the Principal’s Desk
Kia ora whānau, welcome back to term two and our new look newsletter. The newsletter is still in it's development phase, with connections to the website still to come.
It's been a busy start to a busy term with many events to get through on the calendar. At this time of the year it can be easy to get caught up in the school events and start to lose focus on what's important. Keep building on the success of the previous term, by focusing on your assessments, attendance and uniform. If you have any trouble with school work please see your whānau teacher or make use of the homework club.
New International Director
This term we welcome our new International director, Jane Brownie into the school. Jane will also from time to time be helping out in the school office. Jane joins us with a wealth of school administration experience, from her previous job at Kokatahi - Kowhitirangi school.
Annie Jr
Congratulations to Dr Shawcross and all those involved in the production, Annie Jr, staged last school holidays. If you didn't watch it you missed something truly spectacular. It takes many hours of volunteer work after school by staff, students, parents and the community to ensure a production of this calibre is successful. We are very thankful to all those involved, for the time and energy you put in to the production.
French exchange students ??
We welcomed our new French students, into life at Westland High School, on Tuesday. Please look out for them and show them the Manaakitanga that the school is well known for. It can be difficult moving to a new country, learning a new language and starting at a new school. Say 'Kia ora' introduce yourself and if you see they are a little lost help them out.
Kai Whakapai
Congratulations to the team in the new look school canteen, Kai Whakapai. They have started the term with a bang! Staff and students are praising the wonderful array of food and the lines to be served certainly prove that. There will be more changes to come for the school canteen over the next few months so keep watch in the newsletter.
Off site permissions
Students are permitted to be offsite during the below circumstances only. Please remember that while you are offsite, in school uniform you are assumed, by the community, to be representing the school and as such your behaviour and language should at all times reflect those of our school values.
Year 12 and 13 students
1. Permitted to be off-site at lunchtime.
2. On a case by case basis, a year 12 or 13 student may leave the school grounds during a study period having first sought permission from the APL or SLT member only.
3. Students must sign out/in at the school office in all circumstances above when leaving school grounds.
Lunch Passes
1. Students with lunch passes may leave school grounds. Written permission from a parent is required before a lunch pass will be issued by the school office.
2. Students are expected to carry their lunch passes on them at all times.
Other Appointments
1. Permitted to be offsite to attend appointments, such as medical and dental appointments.
2. Written permission from a parent or caregiver is required, either in writing or by contacting the school office directly.
3. Students must sign out/in, at the school office in all circumstances above when leaving school grounds.
International Programme?
At the time of writing this I am preparing for a trip to China to further build on links established last year, which saw us welcome Chinese delegates to our school. As part of our International programme development this will see us potentially welcome a group of short stay students from China and long term stay students. We have a broad focus for our International programme which will be enriched by the inclusion of European countries while continuing to nurture our long term relationship with Japan.
Ngā mihi nui
Iain Murray