From the Principal’s Desk

Nga mihi nui kia koutou katoa. Welcome to the Westland High School newsletter for August 2022.

Tēnā koutou katoa, warm greetings to you all

We've had a very busy past couple of weeks and we're heading into an even busier remainder of the term. We have many events scheduled, a number of these are centered around student achievement and planning for next year. You can read more about those events in the newsletter. Term 3 is always a busy term but the impact of Covid, and general illnesses, on our calendar continues to have an impact and in no small part adding to this sense of busyness.

With so much on, students could almost be forgiven for being distracted. However this is a good time for students to reflect on what they have achieved this year so far. Are you on track with your Internal assessments? You should have gained approximately half of your required credits to pass NCEA by now. If you need further assistance meet with your APL (Academic and Pastoral Care Leader) to work out an action plan to ensure you meet your goals and succeed. There is also the Math Club every Monday after school with specialist teacher assistance. Remember a key component of success is attendance!

Derived grade examinations are fast approaching. Students should be discussing with their teachers what they need to be revising for these exams. These are important examinations, so all students need to attend and try your absolute best. If you need support or are struggling you can see your teacher, the APL, Mrs Reeves or Ms Lauder the school Guidance counsellor. Please ensure you speak to someone.

We've had some brilliant examples of our students succeeding lately and sometimes that might not necessarily result in a win, but through perseverance and determination you continue to learn and improve. You can read more about those successes in this newsletter. Congratulations to you all.

Good luck to the students who have events coming up over the next month, remember to persevere, keep aiming high and refer back to our school values, Manaakitanga, Whanaungatanga, Rangatiratanga and Kaitiakitanga.

Some key dates to keep in mind:

  • 17 August - Open evening for all 2023 new students and whanau
  • 22 August - Teacher Only Day for all West Coast secondary schools
  • 25 August - Senior course selection evening
  • 5 September - Senior derived grade examinations
  • 15 September - Senior Student, Parent, Teacher conferences

The School Ball is taking place at the end of this term and the Ball committee have been working hard behind the scenes to organise, produce, plan, and prepare for the Ball. Once the plans have been finalised parents will be notified of the details. The vast majority of students who have regular attendance reap the benefits of not only being eligible to attend the ball, but the positive effects of improved progress and achievement with their learning. A reminder to students who intend to bring a partner who does not attend Westland High School, you will need to collect a partners form, complete it and then have it returned to the school for vetting.

All students must remember that no one is allowed off site during school hours for any reason unless you have an appointment or have an approved lunch pass. Lunch passes are issued to a specific address and students are not permitted to go to the shops. Staff will be sending letters home to any student caught off site without a valid reason and in some repeat cases this could impact on attendance to the school ball and other activities.

This term we say goodbye to Ms Monica Hulme, our Junior school homeroom teacher and Junior APL. Ms Hulme has been instrumental in helping to build a strong Junior school over the last 4 years and she will be missed by staff and students alike. Her position is filled by Mr Hamish Lancaster who comes to us from Christchurch and is an experienced Junior teacher. We look forward to welcoming Mr Lancaster, in the role of Head of Learning Junior School and Junior Homeroom teacher, in week 5. Congratulations to Ms Kate Veale who has taken on the role of Junior school APL in addition to her Homeroom teacher role.

We also say farewell to Mrs Siobhan O’Malley who has been with us for a year teaching English and Classical studies. Mrs O’Malley will be taking on a new role within education and will be sorely missed but we wish her all the best in her new role. Her position has been advertised and we will advise of the successful applicant in the next newsletter.

We thank Kate Fleming for her tireless energy and motivation to provide students and staff with good nutritious food in the school canteen - Kai Whakapai. Kate has always gone the extra mile for students and staff alike and always with a smile. We wish Kate good luck in her new career.

The 2022 Board elections are well underway and parents should start to receive voting papers in the mail and via email from the 10th of August. I encourage you to vote and take notice of the candidates we have standing. Thank you to all candidates for having the courage to stand and the willingness to be a part of the school's future. I would like to thank the previous board for their hard work and perseverance through some very challenging times we have experienced. I wish you all the best.

Ngā mihi nui
Iain Murray

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