From the Tumuaki/Principal’s Desk

Ngā mihi nui kia koutou katoa. Welcome to the Westland High School newsletter for February (extra edition) 2024.

Kia ora e te whānau

Term 1 is well and truly underway. This supplementary newsletter is really to reiterate the importance of Academic conferencing and the important foundation this sets for students as we commence the year. Academic Conferencing is the first important opportunity for Westland High School to build the home, student and school partnership focused on academic success and connection for all students. Academic Conferences will be led by your student's Whānau teacher and research tells us that academic conferencing significantly engages students and whānau/families in learning relationships, goal setting and has benefits for learning outcomes and overall achievement.

Academic Conferencing will take place on Wednesday 6 March (Week 6) from 2 pm until 7pm. All students will finish school at 1.30 pm (lunchtime) on this day. Buses will continue to run as scheduled. If your young person usually takes the bus and you are unable to get them home earlier, please contact the office so we can make provision for them. 

Meetings are with your student's Whānau teacher only and will be for 10mins. Bookings for Academic Conferencing are now open using the Skool Loop app which you may already have on your phone. For those that do not, the app is free and available at the Play Store. Instructions are included with this newsletter. You will find your student's Whānau teacher in the app and can book a 10 minute appointment time that is convenient.

Our expectation is that we will connect with all families, whānau or caregivers via the Academic Conferencing process. Students are expected to attend, in fact it does not work without them. Discussions are future focused and fundamental to supporting shared goals and aspirations for students who are supported by the partnership of families and the school.

The Whānau teacher is a role that supports a sense of belonging and partnership through a connection based on pastoral and academic support. It values relationships and serves to build a positive learning and social environment at WHS. It values identity, active support, contribution and participation. These are held within a framework of high expectations that are instrumental to students achieving their educational excellence.
I look forward to seeing you at Academic Conferencing on 6 March. 

Ngā mihi nui
Nic Richards

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