Kai Whakapai – food made good

Kai Whakapai is the name of our school canteen with a difference. Read on to find out how our first term, with the wonderful new venture, has progressed.

We have been wrapped with how our first term has gone. We are so pleased that staff and students have enjoyed our home cooked kai, all prepared and cooked here at school.

Our mission is to provide nutritious kai that sets everyone up for the days learning/activities, while also looking after our environment by using plant based/compostable packaging, reusing/recycling all packaging (and no straws). 

By the end of the week we believe everyone deserves a treat so you might see some cinnamon scrolls or chocolate croissants making an appearance on a Friday (as well as homemade pies everyone 2nd Friday).

Our drink serves are small and we advise the kids only one drink a day...or even less, 2 a week is more than enough. We have a water fountain nearby (which is going to be revamped with a filter once the new quad area is complete) and quite often suggest to students to buy food and go get a free drink.

If you would like to bulk pre-pay (cash, eftpos or direct credit) for your child's morning tea/lunches, please get in touch with Kate by emailing kaiwhakapaiwhs@gmail.com, or pop on in, we can easily set up a 'tab' if this is easier for you.

We look forward to bringing you some new menu options next term and welcome any feedback or suggestions. Feel free to pop in anytime to see what we are all about and keep an eye on the school Facebook or Instagram page for our weekly special 'kai bowl'.

'Look after your body you only get one, look after our planet we only have one.'

Kate and Pascale

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