Kai Whakapai – Food made good ???

The new look school canteen, Kai Whakapai, is looking fantastic, with great tasting, freshly made goodies.

Our Kai Bowl is our weekly special and our second week has seen us serve up tacos, after last weeks pulled pork sliders with caramelised onion and coleslaw.

This coming week stuffed baked potatoes are on the specials board, as our kai bowl, with a side of creamy coleslaw. $5 for a good nourishing hot lunch as well as other great tasty options on our menu attached.

Healthy and nourishing food is our aim and we welcome feedback and ideas to kaiwhakapaiwhs@gmail.com. Perhaps you have a recipe to share that is healthy and nourishing (especially if quick and economical).

Fresh fruit is always in the fruit bowl and we tell the kids to limit the fizz (it should be seen as a treat) hopefully they haven't had enough of us already harking on at them!

Thank you for your support. Kate and Pascale

Kai Whakapai the new look canteen Westland High School

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