Keeping on, with Learning and Wellbeing

Mr Brailsford - Deputy Principal gives us some pointers and tips on how to take care of ourselves during lockdown. With some great resources as well.

Kia ora koutou.

Firstly, thank you to all the parents, caregivers and whānau doing the many things you have done in support of assuring our young peoples’ wellbeing and continuation of their learning. We have been living through extraordinary times that have been rapidly and unexpectedly thrust upon us.

As the country moves down through the Alert Levels, we can still anticipate at least another week of at-home schooling. We are proud of how our students have responded.

We need to continue to demonstrate the kind of care and support that has been the hallmark of our nation’s response. We need to be mindful and aware of maintaining and supporting the health and wellbeing of all of the people in your bubble. As the prospect of most students returning to school draws closer, it will be important for students to prepare to return to school and what it will mean. However, for some students and families, with high risk circumstances, the reopening of schools will mean that they still continue to learn from home. We will be working directly with those students and families to support them to maintain quality for them.

For most other students, they need to start preparing to return to school. We will be advising families and students of the arrangements that we have made once those decisions have been made by the Government. To get students ready it is good if they can keep up with their learning and wellbeing, including their exercise and sleep routines. Remember, the foundation of good learning is good wellbeing.

The most up-to-date evidence of wellbeing sees five key practices being important for individuals, families, communities and organisations. Those practices are:

  1. Connect, me whakawhanaunga: Connecting with others in your bubble, and beyond. It will be great to see students back at school, and to see them interacting with each other, remembering that there will be some new habits on physical distancing to adjust to.

  2. Give, tukua: Sharing and giving are important: The more that people can share and extend empathy the better the outcomes for everyone. Never has there been a time when we need to work together and help each other.

  3. Take notice, me aro tonu: Being aware of others and how they are feeling, the Lockdown has had far reaching impacts on many and people are experience loss and grief in all sorts of ways. Connect people to support.

  4. Keep learning, me ako tonu: Every situation provides an opportunity to learn. Remain positive, show gratitude, be calm and be kind. Let others help you and learn from the experience. We are living through extraordinary times.

  5. Be active, me kori tonu: Exercise is the cornerstone of health and wellbeing. There are many exercise routines that you can do at home and inside the house. A little bit often is as good a lot occasionally.

If you can introduce any of these actions into your life, any time, and you will begin to feel the benefits. Whakatōkia ngā rautaki māmā nei ki tō ao kia rongo ai koe i ngā painga. Read the Five Ways to Wellbeing Best Practice Guide, and visit each of our Five Ways to Wellbeing pages to get some ideas on how to begin. Start small, work at it – and good luck!

Psychologist Nigel Latta has been doing a series of video tutorials on coping with children and teenagers during and coming out of lockdown. These are the links:

Screen use after the bubble

Teenagers and education in the bubble

Stay safe and be kind.

Thank you for your support.

Mr Peter Brailsford
Deputy Principal

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