NCEA Exam timetable

Read on for exam information and expectations.

Seniors finish school on the 6th of November for exams. If you haven't yet seen your timetable then you can view it on the NZQA website.

The first exam is on the 8th of November. Check in with your teachers to ensure your plan you have been working from is still going to meet your needs.

Last day to submit internal standards for marking (unless prior arrangements have been made), is Friday 22 November. 

If you have any clashes please let Mrs Reeves or Ms Hutt know, although the Senior leadership team have been working hard to check through each students timetable to find these, they may have missed someone.

Students are expected to be outside their examination room at the date and time indicated on their admission slips (students will be receive their admission slips before their exams), unless they have a digital exam (English, Classics and History.) For these, students will be asked to be at the venue a little earlier than this time, and teachers will go over this with their classes.

Examinations are held in room 16 and the graphics room in almost all cases.

Please refer to the information sheet given to students with their admission slips for other important information about exams.

Study and tutorials for exams
In many cases, teachers will run additional classes to prepare students for their external examinations, and students are encouraged to attend these, at their normal timetabled class time (or other times agreed with the teacher). However, these classes are not compulsory.

Students are encouraged to come in to school to study, and venues will be arranged as required. If a student comes in at a time other than their usual timetabled class time, they will need to sign in through the office. All students are expected to be in school uniform if they are coming in to study, or attending pre-exam classes, or attending an exam.

Kai whakapai
Students will be able to purchase food for lunch at Kai Whakapai, our cafeteria, on exam days, by knocking on the door between 12.30 and 1.20, or at the usual opening times.

Internal assessments
Where students have internal assessments to complete, teachers will offer classes and times when students can come in and complete these. Students who are taking courses that have no examinations and who have completed all internal assessment requirements are not required to attend school after 6 November, or when they complete assessments. They will not be marked absent for this time. 

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