Shave for a cure
This years Shave for a Cure is being held on 10th of June. So dig deep and lets support the drive to raise funds for Blood cancer in NZ!
This year the Runanga Tauira (Student council) have set the Shave for a Cure day for June 10th! Westland High has a strong tradition, started by previous Runanga Tauira, of considerable participation and fund raising for this event.
There will be a non uniform day for a gold coin, door sales to the Shaving event, hair cuts and full head shaves too. You can even sign up to get you're head shaved to help raise funds for the Westland High School team. So check down the back of the couch, the washing machine, the car console for any loose change and help kick start the Runanga Tauira's efforts.
Every day eight people in New Zealand are diagnosed with a form of Blood cancer. That is a staggering amount of people. So many of us will have met, or know someone at some point who has been affected in some way. So lets help support a worthy cause.
If you would like to donate to this cause you can do so through the link to the school page. Shave For a Cure - Westland High School