Student leaders help Kawatiri / Westport

Some of our student recently went up to help the Kawatiri / Westport community.

On Wednesday 11th August, ten of our senior students travelled to Kawatiri Westport to assist with organising the huge amount of donations that have been received for the victims of the flooding last month.

Instigated by our Head Girl Kaiah Priest and with support from nine other students, this day was a fabulous display of all four of our school values: 

  • Manaakitanga - Nurturing reciprocal relationships built on kindness, respect and humanity.
  • Whanaungatanga - Actively building and contributing to positive connections with others.
  • Rangatiratanga - Developing leadership with confidence, respect, self-determination and teamwork
  • Kaitiakitanga - Promoting guardianship and preservation of the school values, learning and the environment.

The people of NUKU and Rotary were very grateful for the help our students gave. They spent the day folding and organising, sheets, toys and clothes and enjoyed a hangi prepared by the hosts.

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